About Us
InCharge® Education Foundation, Inc. (ICEF), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, provides educational products and services that promote improved personal financial literacy of consumers nationwide, encompassing everything from community outreach workshops and eLearning tools to personal finance website articles.
ICEF serves consumers from many walks of life, civilians and military, students and the retired, and anyone who could benefit from personal finance education. Its educational tools and services include:
- MilitaryMoney.com is a leading source of financial literacy resources, tools and news for America’s Servicemembers. From the GI Bill to VA loans, frequent moves to deployment preparation, the military and their families face unique financial challenges. MilitaryMoney.com provides those who serve with empowering, timely information so they can Serve, Save and Be InCharge.
- Military Money Minutes: Daily 1-minute tips broadcast on Armed Forces Radio to military bases around the world. InCharge Education Foundation has produced over 2000 Military Money minutes on every financial topic that touches a service member’s life, from VA loans, to the GI Bill, to making the most of your Thrift Savings Account to how to manage your finances while deployed. Also available on iTunes.
- Military Money guide books: InCharge Education Foundation has published hard copy and ebooks help service members learn about about financial topics most relevant to them.
Board of Directors
James Harris
James Harris has spent 30 years in the financial services industry. As a former Vice President at a prominent credit card company, Harris gives back to the community by sharing his expertise and passion for personal finance by teaching free financial literacy seminars for those in need of credit education, first-time homebuyer help and reverse mortgage education. Harris also works as a real estate agent.
Harris serves on two nonprofit boards and is a proud Vietnam veteran, having served in Naval Intelligence.
Monika J. Wilczak, PhD
Monika Wilczak is a savvy growth-oriented executive with expertise in artificial intelligence and data analytics. She’s been delivering exceptional results to Fortune 500 companies and government agencies for the past 25+ years.
Monika has worked in diverse segments (B2C, B2B, B2E) and verticals (Financial Services, Energy/Utilities, Technology) at leading companies including Bloomberg, CITI, JP Morgan Chase, Accenture and Ernst & Young. She is currently an executive advisor to the US Government.
Monika holds a PhD and Master of Science in Statistics and Operations Research from NYU Stern School of Business, and a Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Methods from the Warsaw School of Economics.
Robert J. Ruiz, Esquire
Robert J. Ruiz, Esquire has served as a Trustee since February 2012.
Mr. Ruiz is an attorney with over 35 years of experience in government and public interest law. His career includes service as Solicitor General for the State of Illinois, National President of the Hispanic National Bar Association as well as being a founding member and officer of the National Hispanic Prosecutors Association and the Illinois Association of Hispanic State Employees.
In education, Robert serves as a member of the Illinois Board of Higher Education. He has served on the Council on Legal Education Opportunity(CLEO), Chairman of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine and the Foundation for Podiatric Education. He has served on the University of Illinois Alumni Board, the DePaul College of Law Visiting Committee and the Committee on Continuing Education for the Law Institute of the American Bar Association, the Chicago Metro History Education Center and the USO of Illinois.
Ruiz is an alumni of the prestigious Leadership Greater Chicago Program. He is a graduate of the DePaul Law School and the University of Illinois Chicago.