Your Bright Financial Future

InCharge Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to changing lives by supporting free budget and credit counseling and helping people achieve their financial and personal goals with education.

Saving Money Tips

Savings Success

Get Your Savings On in this dynamic online course! Best of all - it's free. Learn how to set savings goals you can achieve. Ditch paycheck-to-paycheck living this year.

Healthy Credit

The goal of this course is to inspire you to take action today to improve your credit score and your quality of life.

Credit report with an error on it
Fnancial Budget Goals

How to Budget

Step-by-step course on how to create and track a successful monthly budget. Includes downloadable budget templates and bill trackers.

Our Location

InCharge Education Foundation

5750 Major Blvd
Suite 310
Orlando, FL 32819